Since the Eucharist is the miracle of the perpetual permanence of Jesus Christ, the abandonment of the Eucharist is the practical frustration of this miracle and, with it, that of the merciful and highest purposes of His permanence.
The abandoned Eucharist is, as far as this can be said of God, Jesus Christ aggrieved with the bitterest discontentment, and souls and societies deprived of rivers and seas of benefits.
It is not that there are no other evils that offend God and afflict our brothers, or that they matter little to us, but we leave it to other works or institutions specialized or created for this purpose to cure these other ills which, after all, are mere effects or symptoms of the very serious and transcendental evil of abandonment. […]
Abandonment is the evil of those who know that Jesus has eyes and do not let themselves be seen by them; that He has ears and do not speak to Him; that He has hands and do not approach to receive His gifts; that He has a Heart that loves them ardently and they feel no liking for Him; He has the doctrine of all truth and they disdain it or interpret it according to their whims; He has life-giving examples and they do not imitate them. It is the evil of neighbours and friends!
Accompanying the Abandonment of the Tabernacles
3.ed. Palencia: El Granito de Arena, 1936, p.33-35