Who will be truly strong and courageous at the hour of combat? Only those who, throughout their lives, succeed in preserving the pearl that the Hearts of Jesus and Mary placed in their soul.
Long ago, there existed a small city where the people daily strove to do everything with perfection in order to please Jesus and Mary. Early each morning, before its inhabitants began to work, play or study, they attended Holy Mass in order to gain the needed strength to face the day’s battles as faithful and devout children of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Travellers passing through the region noticed the wondrous effects of the people’s piety on nature itself: the rivers ran as clear as crystal; the plants grew as green as emeralds… It seemed that everything there formed a harmony fit to receive the Queen of Heaven and her Divine Son.
In that city, there lived a truly innocent lad by the name of Jonas. Ever since he was little, he had delighted to hear the stories his father told him, and they made him wonder how life would be in a world where Jesus and Mary truly reigned. Often, he would ask his father question such as:
“Papa, if such good things exist here on earth, such as precious stones, the sea and the stars, what must Heaven be like?”
Amazed at the little boy’s constant fascination with Celestial Paradise, his father took the opportunity to teach him the best way to discover the answer to his questions:
“Well, my son, I’ve never seen Heaven, but many saints had the grace of seeing it during their lives, and they tell us that it is so beautiful and grand that no human words can describe it. But there’s one thing that I can guarantee you: if you conduct yourself as a true hero in this earthly life, you will see Heaven one day.”
Hearing words like these, Jonas grew more and more eager to become a saint, so as to be able to reach that eternal dwelling place.
One day, as he walked down the road wrapped in such thoughts, Jonas heard a great tumult.
“What’s going on?” he curiously asked a man who was watching the scene.
“A royal messenger has come to our city!” the man told him.
The youngster did not hesitate to approach, and soon beheld a knight descending from his horse to address the townsfolk with stirring words: “The general commander of the royal army wishes to convoke all able young men to join the battle to defend the kingdom from the foe, for, even as I speak, they are preparing to march against us.”
Silence gripped the multitude
But Jonas was enthralled by the noble warrior’s armour and shining sword, as well as by his valiant bearing and his fearless gaze. Without even stopping to think that he was too young to enlist, he boldly stepped forward to present himself:
“At your service, sir! I am ready to fight in this battle!”
The knight, looking at the boy’s young and carefree face, said:
“I would accept you only on one condition: are you willing to suffer terrible blows, and even to die on enemy ground?”
After a moment’s reflection, the boy replied:
“Sir, I am aware that war is not a stroll through flowery meadows. But, aren’t we here on this earth to face struggles and difficulties? With Our Lady’s help, each suffering will be another step on my way up the staircase that leads to Heaven.”
Impressed by his response, the warrior agreed to take the boy with him.

A few short days later, it was time for Jonas to bid his family farewell. He was sad to be leaving them, but overjoyed at the thought of taking part in a battle. His father took him aside to give some valuable advice:
“Remember, my son, that it is more important to preserve the innocence and purity of your soul than to show your strength and courage to others. So, be on guard! Never allow vice and immorality to enter your soul.”
The boy scarcely understood the meaning of that counsel, but he kept it carefully in his heart.
Before long, however, the reason for his father’s words became all too clear. At camp, though many respected and admired him for his courage and candour, he soon had to face his first battles. It cost him dearly to stand up against the ridicule of those who, having lost their own innocence, despised the virtue and honesty they saw in Jonas.
In the midst of these difficulties, the lad had a dream that was puzzling, but highly significant… He saw those who mocked him surrounded by devils carrying coals, while their Guardian Angels remained at a distance, impeded from taking action. Gathered in another unit of the same battalion, he beheld those who preserved their innocence surrounded by Angels bearing white pearls in their hands, symbolizing the virtue of those souls in their care.
Then he saw that when the enemy army appeared, not everyone had courage to advance and fight, but only those who had preserved their innocence. At that moment, his dream was interrupted by a bugle call, convoking the knights to assemble before their captain for an announcement:
“The time has come for combat! Our adversaries are fast approaching and they greatly outnumber us. But what they have in quantity, they do not have in quality. This battle will not be led by humans, but by Our Lord Jesus Christ himself. Therefore, men, let us trust in God. The victory shall be His!”
Since the enemy had already surrounded the camp, the warriors had to immediately draw their swords and hurl themselves into the fray. At that moment, Jonas saw the very scene he had just beheld in his dream: as the enemy forces advanced toward those who had lost their innocence, they fled in terror. On the other hand, the worthy knights fought boldly to attain victory.
It was then that the youth fully understood the message that his father had so earnestly impressed upon him as he left home: only those who fight to keep the pearl of their innocence intact will be truly strong and courageous at the hour of combat.
That pearl is the most precious gift we receive from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Whoever fights vigorously each day to defend it will have nothing to fear in the hardest battles or when facing the most powerful enemy! ◊