Thou art the life of my soul. May the loving affection of my heart always be united to Thee, by the power of divine love that everything melts and penetrates.
May all that I undertake without Thee languish and die, for Thou art the rich variety of all colours, the sweetness of all flavours, the wondrous harmony of all sounds, and the charm of the intimate embraces with which those who love Thee are enfolded.
In Thee is the most pleasing delight! From Thee flows abundant torrents; by Thee the heart is sweetly conquered and its love most tenderly influenced!
Thou art the overflowing abyss of the Divinity. O worthiest King of kings, supreme Emperor, most illustrious Prince, benevolent Ruler, most powerful Defender!
Thou art the living gem that vivifies the noblest human sentiments. A most skilful Craftsman, a Teacher full of knowledge, a Counsellor full of wisdom, most kind Defender and most faithful Friend.
Thou art the union of inmost gentleness and delight, mild and healing caress! O ardent Lover, most sweet Spouse and most chaste Keeper. Thou art the Spring-flower of all grace and beauty.
O loving Brother, most beautiful Youth and pleasant Companion, generous Host and watchful Administrator! I prefer Thee to every creature; for Thee I renounce all pleasures; for Thee I welcome all adversity and in all things I seek only Thy glory. My heart feels and my lips testify that Thou art the quickener of these and of all other goods.
By the merit of Thy fervent love, I unite the impetus of my devotions to the virtue of Thy prayers. So that, by the wholeness of this divine union, I may be raised to the utmost summit of perfection, where all rebellious impulse may be extinguished within me.
St. Gertrude of Helfta,
Legatus Divinæ Pietatis, l.III, c.66