Turn the Tuning Pegs!

If the violin wants to be part of the orchestra and sound melodious, it must be docile to a “painful” but indispensable process…

How many feelings, inspirations and memories come to mind when we hear beautiful music played to perfection on a violin! In the midst of melodic delight, those listening to the composition probably do not consider how much effort lies behind those harmonious sounds. The instrument itself, though inanimate, must match the dexterity of the person playing it. In fact, before we hear its sublime cadences, it had to go through a “painful” but indispensable process…

Tuning is part of “life” for this stringed instrument. If a violin is to give its best, it needs to be adjusted; and if this is not done with care, its strings may break!

If it were possessed of intelligence, it would certainly think, the first few times it was used: “Why do you tighten my strings so much? Don’t you realize how much pain this causes me?” This reflection could be seen as the “trial” that all violins have to undergo.

Made to enchant human ears with its melodious notes and to be played by talented musicians, it must first be tightened and corrected.

However, for the violin to develop its full potential, it should consider that a stupendous performance depends on this painful adjustment. Such is the case with any musical instrument, but very concretely with this one.

What would become of a violin if it had no one to adjust its strings to the right tone? Then again, what would become of it if it rejected the skilful hands and keen ear of the one tuning it? The answer is obvious: it would become a useless object, unfit to be part of an orchestra and to vibrate in unison with other instruments that have been duly tuned.

Therefore, a violin that does not allow itself to be adjusted can never serve as a valid instrument to play compositions capable of resonating in the depths of souls, because when out of tune it can only produce cacophony.

It is the same with the human soul: it needs a divine hand which, with kindness and precision, corrects it.

Conceived in original sin and further debased under the weight of actual sins, man absolutely needs to be “tuned” to the Law of God. For this reason, we read in Sacred Scripture: “My son, do not despise the Lord’s discipline or be weary of His reproof, for the Lord reproves him whom He loves, as a father the son in whom he delights” (Prv 3:11-12).

And the same is true for those whose mission it is to guide others. Let them not neglect the duty that will lead to Paradise both the one who guides and the one who is guided: “He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him” (Prv 13:24).

To warn another of his error is part of the virtue of charity. God, or someone inspired by Him, can deliver men from evil and thus bring them the fruits of holiness.

Here is a valuable principle for our spiritual life: let us allow the “tuning pegs” of our souls to be tightened! God subjects His beloved elect souls to harsh corrections. Let us not recalcitrantly resist the counsel of those who love us.

Those who on earth allow themselves to be perfected in this way will be part of the kingdom of the Blessed in Heaven, where they will eternally praise Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary, archetypes of creation, the supreme conductors to whom we should configure ourselves. 



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