Can I Be Forgiven?

I was preaching the novena of the Immaculate Conception. On the last day, I spoke about Confession and, without knowing why, I affirmed that God, in His infinite mercy, would even forgive someone who had murdered his own mother by putting poison in her food, if he repented and confessed.

After this preaching, I heard Confessions until midnight, and then set off for the city of Tortona, about ten kilometres away. The weather was terrible; it was freezing cold and snowing. I was walking, which was the only means of transportation available at that hour. As I left the village, I saw a figure approaching from behind. I thought: “If he wants to rob me, I don’t have more than five lire.” Passing me, he continued to walk ahead, glancing back at me. When I caught up to him, I said:

“Good night!”

“Are you Don Orione, the preacher?” he asked.

“Yes I am,” I replied.

“I heard your preaching. I would like to know if what you said is true, about someone who had poisoned his mother.”

I assured him that it was. He then told me that he was that man, for he had poisoned his mother, on account of her continuous quarrels with his wife. And breaking into tears, he asked:

“Can I be forgiven?”

He told me his story, knelt at my feet and asked me to hear him in Confession, saying:

“From that moment (of the dreadful sin) I have felt no peace. And it has been so many years!”

I gave him absolution; he embraced me, weeping, and my tears joined his. I continued on my way with such a joy in my heart as I had never felt before, in all my life… Arriving in Tortona, I threw myself on the bed to rest, and dreamed of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and His immense mercy.

San Luis Orione y la Divina Providencia.
Lima: Libros Católicos, [s.d.], p.31



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