HGM171 - January 2022

Proofs of Tender Affection

Our Lady did not refrain from showering her Divine Son with the greatest displays of tenderness and affection. The Child, in turn, would interrupt...

The King’s Sleep

In the distance, some hyenas appear in their insignificance, hoping to usurp a throne that does not belong to them… However, they are unaware...

Owe Nothing to Anyone

At the height of the party, everyone began to wonder where the birthday celebrant was. Suddenly, he came hurrying down the stairs, took a...

Church and World Events

Indigenous women put a halt to feminist vandals The Minor Basilica of San Lorenzo Mártir, in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, was the...

Heralds Worldwide

Spain – Having participated in the online preparation course, given by Rev. Fr. Manuel Rodriguez, EP, hundreds of the faithful made their solemn Consecration...

Unfailing Maternal Help

One common element in Dona Lucilia’s interventions is the desire to instil in hearts the certainty of the help that she will obtain for...

Belief in Sacred Scriptures: A Matter of Faith or Science?

The proper reading of the Bible constitutes one of the great challenges for modern man, dominated by a positivistic and materialistic mentality. However, the...

St. Genevieve – Shield and Glory of Christian Civilization

When the Roman Empire was collapsing and the barbarian invasions were shaking the world, God raised up a fearless and confident virgin who defeated...

Model of Catholic Journalism in the Fight for the Church

Dr. Plinio’s desire to serve the Church wisely and effectively turned a simple parish publication called “Legionário” into Brazil’s most combative and influential Catholic...

Failed Missions… or Promising Ones?

To human eyes, certain providential vocations that have appeared throughout history seem to have been interrupted by God before reaching their full development, ending...

The Pharisees of the Past

“Hypocrites”, “blind guides”, “brood of vipers”! Who would like to receive such titles? They are the names given by the Divine Master to the...

Two Decades at the Service of Truth

On completing a meaningful anniversary, “Heralds of the Gospel” magazine offers a retrospective of its journey from its foundation to the present day, casting...